Brandon Wilson Knight Hospitaller/Knight of Malta
AUTHOR, explorer, PEACE Pilgrim
Lowell Thomas Gold Award-Winner for Best Travel Book, Society of American Travel Writers Foundation
As an author/photographer and explorer, I’ve hiked over 12,000-kilometres in search of meaning and enlightenment. It began innocently enough.
While traveling the length of Africa with my new wife, Cheryl, we discovered the beauty of slow-travel, or “traveling outside while traveling within.” What a difference that made.
On our return, we soon organised an 1100-km indy trek across Tibet with our horse. Our struggles and that of our oppressed Tibetan hosts are captured in my book Yak Butter Blues
Afterwards, I was drawn to the world’s great pilgrimage trails, as portals to consciousness. In 2006, a friend and I pioneered the 4223-km trail of the First Crusades from France to Jerusalem, naming it the Templar Trail. That sojourn inspired my book Along the Templar Trail
Still seeking challenges, in 2009, Cheryl and I became the first American couple to thru-hike the 1800-km Via Alpina across eight countries from Trieste, Italy to Monte Carlo, which led to writing my book Over the Top & Back Again: Hiking X the Alps.
These walkabouts continue to be my passion; my “trampoline for the mind.” I hope my stories inspire you, too.
- First American couple to trek a non-supported 1,100-km pilgrimage path from Lhasa, Tibet to Kathmandu (1992)
- 564-km Explorers Club Flag Expedition on St. Olav’s Way across Sweden and Norway (2014)
- 500-km Camino Aragonés & Camino Catalan, Spain (2012)
- Rome Cathedrals Pilgrimage Circuit; Mt. San Angelo (2010)
- 800-km Via de la Plata, Seville to Santiago, Spain (2007)
- Founded the Templar Trail, a 4223-km pilgrim route for peace through 11 countries from France to Jerusalem (2006)
- 200-km Israel National Trail from Haifa to Jerusalem (2006)
- 800-km Camino de Santiago (Francés), Spain (2005)
- 643-km St. Olav’s Way, Oslo to Trondheim, Norway (2004)
- 1850-km Via Francigena from England to Rome, one of first to complete this route, per AIVF (2002, 2000)
- 800-km Camino de Santiago (Francés), Spain (1999)
- Croagh Patrick, Ireland (1985)
- Trekked Tour de Mt Blanc, France, Italy, Switzerland (2018)
- Trekked the Alta Via One across Italian Dolomites (2016)
- Part of first American couple to thru-trek the 1800-km Via Alpina, 8 countries from Trieste, Italy to Monte Carlo (2009)
- Trekked Brixen, Südtirol to Prague, CZ (2001)
- Trekked to Mount Everest Base Camp, Tibet (1992)
- Trekked High Tatras, Slovakia
- Climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
- Climbed Mt. Nyiragongo Volcano, Dem, Rep. of the Congo
- Climbed Mt. Goldeck, Austria
- Climbed Mt. Valora, Italy
- Climbed Mt. Democrat, Colorado
- Climbed Mt. Zeus, Greece
- Climbed Mt. Olympus, Greece
- Climbed Mt. Miyajima, Japan
- Climbed Te Rua Manga, Rarotonga
- Traveled overland by Bluebird bus, Venezuela to Mexico
- Independently traveled West Indies, Montserrat to Trinidad
- African transect, across 17 countries, London to Cape Town
- Shot Zambezi River Class V Rapids, Vic Falls, Zimbabwe
- Traveled “gun-run” through Mozambique civil war, 1990
- Tracked and photographed mountain gorillas in DRC (Zaire)
- Chronicled Eastern Europe in 1989 as the Berlin Wall fell
- Backpacked around the world from Pacific to Asia to Europe
- Lived a year in N. America’s northernmost Inupiaq village
- Organized expeditions to investigate Sasquatch sightings
- Circumnavigated North America on a 27,300-km roadtrip
- The Pilgrimage Chronicles: Embracing the Quest (anthology, “Metamorphosis of a Pilgrim” essay, photos, and provided the Introduction)
- The Walkabout Chronicles: Epic Journeys by Foot (anthology, Tibet and Alpine travel essays and photos)
- Over the Top & Back Again: Hiking X the Alps (book) – Book of the Year Bronze Award, ForeWord Reviews
- Along the Templar Trail: Seven Million Steps for Peace (book)
- – Lowell Thomas Gold Award, Best Travel Book
- – Book of the Year Bronze Award, ForeWord Review
- Auf Dem Templerweg: Sieben Millionen Schritte für den Frieden (book, German edition)
- Dead Men Don’t Leave Tips: Adventures X Africa (book)
- Yak Butter Blues: A Tibetan Trek of Faith (book) – Independent Publisher IPPY Award (travel essay)
- Yak Butter Blues: Una Caminata de Fe por el Tibet (book, Spanish edition)
- A Tibetan Trek of Faith (book, South Asia edition, Heritage Publishers, Delhi, India)
- Poetry of the Nepalese Mountain Porters (book intro)
- They Lived to Tell the Tale: True Stories of Adventure from the Legendary Explorers Club (Lyons Press/Globe Pequot, anthology, essay “Life When Hell Freezes Over”)
- Naïve & Abroad: Spain, Limping 600 Miles Through History by Marcus Wilder (book, provided fifty photos with essay about hiking the Via de la Plata)
- Voices for Africa (anthology, poem “Give Me My Pen”)
- Wounds of War (anthology, essay “Thoughts Along Life’s Trail: War and the Environment Within”)
- Hip Poetry (anthology, essay)
- Iubilantes Annuario (anthologies), Como, Italy
- The Explorers Club International Fellow
- Founder of the Templar Trail, a modern pilgrimage trail along the route of First Crusades from France to Jerusalem
- Knight of Grace, Sovereign Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem-Knights of Malta, 2014, Sweden
- First American to receive St. Olav’s Cross, SHOSJ
- Graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill
- Attended American Academy of Dramatic Arts (NYC)
- Eagle Scout with palms; member of Order of the Arrow
- Peace and human rights activist
- Wall of Tolerance, SPLC, founding member
Amnesty International Leadership Group
- Member, International Travel Writers Alliance
- Selected for “Contemporary Authors”
- University of Pittsburgh Poetry Award
- National Geographic Traveler Photo Awards (2 Years)
- Islands Magazine Photo Award
- Honolulu Advertiser
- Pilgrimen Magazine (Norway)
- Iubilantes Como Annuario (Italy)
- Tacoma News Tribune
- San Diego Tribune
- Grand Rapids Press
- Anchorage Daily News
- Tundra Times
- Fairbanks News-Miner
- Northland News
- Backpacking Light
- Ocean Magazine
- Wend Magazine
- National Geographic Adventure
- National Geographic Traveler
- Toward Freedom Magazine
- International Living
- Eco-Traveler
- Robb Report
- Islands
- Rodale’s Scuba Diving
- Skin Diver
- Escape
- Travel Agent
- Travel Weekly
- Sportdiving (Australia)
- Tourism Review
- Travel World Int’l
- Wide World Magazine
- BING Travel
- RoMar Travel
- Real Travel Adventure
- Altitudes Magazine, Colorado
- Lifetime Society Communiqué (Ireland)
- Offshore Living
- Escape from America
• The Joey Reynolds Show, WOR, New York
• Talk Radio w/Michael Dixon, WGN, Chicago
• Catholic News Service, Rome
• Gudbrandsdølen Gagningen, Lillehammer, Norway • Romerikes Blad, Norway
• Swedish National Television 1
• WTN-News Übersicht, Tyrol, Austria
• Nice Matin, France
• Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Pennsylvania
• The Rising Nepal, Kathmandu
• Novosti newspaper, Belgrade, Serbia
• TV Speckar, Sombor, Serbia
• San Diego Tribune, North County Times, CA
• Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Hawaii
• Get Serious with Tina Vindum, San Francisco
• Trønder-Avisa, Norway
- A Road ReTraveled with Simone diSanti
- Kanal A, TV Nightly News, Alanya, Turkey
- Memleketim Alanya newspaper, Turkey
- Labor newspaper, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
- Balkan Bulgarian Television, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Niska Televizija, Nis, Serbia
- Glas, Public Voice newspaper, Belgrade, Serbia
- Yue-Sai Kan Productions for Chinese TV
- “Morning Show,” WABJ-AM, Ann Arbor, MI
-, Portland, Oregon
- “All Things That Matter” BlogTalkRadio
- Maui News, Kahului, Hawaii
- Takin’ It to the Streets, WTRC, Elkhart, IN
- Cindy Paulos Show, KAOI-AM, Wailuku, Hawaii
- Sundsvalls Tidning newspaper, Sweden
- Travelosophy with Bob Fisher, Toronto, Canada
- Interview with Lars Ling of CleanTech Region Impact Group, Sweden
- Whiskey and a Map: Stories of Adventure and Exploration as told by those who lived them with Michael Reinhart
Maybe we’re all Forest Gumps in life, running away from demons in our past that are chasing us until we rid ourselves of our braces or chains that bind us. Only then can we sail on down the road.
Brandon Wilson
Along the Templar Trail
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All activities include a certain amount of risk. The author and publisher disclaim any responsibility and liability for injury, harm or illness that may occur through or by use of any information in our books or on this website.
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